Josh Langenberger » Supply List

Supply List

Our 6th Grade Science Supply List: Updated Aug. 2021

Students are required to bring:
Charged iPad  / Headphones
All documents are available digitally and will be submitted electronically through Schoology.  For this reason, there are no notebook requirements. 

Materials/Supplies are used for models, demonstrations, and testing are supplied for in-class activities. Students may need paint, tape, magnets, markers, cardboard, and plastic bags, and to be honest, the list will include whatever a student decides they need.  I cannot tell them how they can best model or engineer a solution; those choices rest with the student and their restraints are their own imagination.
There may be occasions where students are requested to bring in additional specific materials from home and at least one week's notice is provided.
In the event of a remote learning environment, a complete list of materials used this year is available through Schoology. 
In general, it is a good idea to have access to the following items available at home:
1. Scissors
2. Glue (Sticks)
3. Masking Tape (or clear tape)
4. Cardboard (cut from boxes)
5. Construction Paper / Poster Board (All Remote)
6. Index Cards
7. Crayons/Markers