Guidance Department
"Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle." - Charles Glassman
Attention 8th Grade Students and Parents
Monmouth County Resources for Social and Emotional Health
Our Mission
To implement a comprehensive, developmental school counseling program which fosters student success through focusing on academic achievement, social/emotional development, and career exploration in a positive atmosphere.
School Counseling
School counselors are here to help support students and advocate for the equity, access, and success of every student. School counselors collaborate with classroom teachers, administrators, support staff, parents, and community partners to maximize the development of educational, career, emotional, and social skills that students need to thrive as responsible citizens in a diverse and changing world.
School Counselors
Ms. Warhurst, 732 836-1327 x6540, 6th Grade
Ms. Eisenberg, 732 836-1327 x6914, 7th Grade
Ms. Martin, 732.836.1327 x6543, 8th Grade
Character Education Programs
Positive Paws Program
"Positive Paws Program identifies students that display the six pillars of character education: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship."
If at any time teachers, staff or administrators see a student demonstrating any of the six pillars of character, the student will get their name displayed on our school walls.
Kids with Character Program
The “Kids with Character” program recognizes MSS students who are volunteering for non‐profit agencies/volunteer services, and who complete ten (10) or more hours of volunteer service within a twelve (12) month period.
- Sadie Snyder -21 hours of community service
Volunteer Opportunities
Students of the Month
Congratulations to our Students of the Month. They have demonstrated "Husky Pride" by exemplifying the 6 Pillars of Character Education: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility. Fairness, Caring and Citizenship.
Quarterly Topics of Interest
Resources Students in crisis can call or text 888-222-2228 at ANY TIME.
Resources for Grief and Loss
Harassment, Intimidating and Bullying