Jaclyn Lussier » Medication Administration

Medication Administration

The giving of medication in school should be kept at a minimum. All medications (medication shall include all medicines prescribed by a physician, a patent drug and aspirin) are kept in a locked cabinet and properly labeled.
Written permission from parent/guardian AND family physician is required.
Contact the school nurse if you require this service.
Please note: If a student requires medication on a class trip, the student may need to be accompanied by his/her parent/guardian (if the nurse is not available) who will administer the medication. An exception is made for children with asthma or other life threatening illness, who are allowed to self-administer medication when a nurse is not physically present at the scene. Written certification from a physician is required.
Children requiring medication during school hours are not allowed to transport medication to school. If the child is to receive medication, the parent/guardian must personally deliver the medication to the nurse.
Please review, Board of Education Policy #5330, Administration of Medication, for more information. Registered nurses are on duty during the school day. Students are expected to have a pass to see the nurse, with the exception of emergencies.
Medications at School
*If your child has a medical condition (i.e. food allergy, asthma, seizures, etc), and you feel your child does not require medication in school for their condition, please provide a note from the doctor indicating that the medication is not needed in school.* Otherwise, we will need the appropriate medical paperwork for the condition on file.
For severe medical conditions, BUS PLANS must also be provided with the medication packets. These will be distributed to bus drivers to ensure they are aware of your child's medical needs. Specific bus plans are included in the medication packets.
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