Josh Langenberger » TSA/Robotics


Enrichment After School
TSA Logo - LangenbergerThe Technology Student Association is a national student organization created to develop LEADERSHIP skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics as well as business education. TSA aims to promote self-growth, academic, and business management skills in the workplace among students and leaders within the community.

Meeting Room: D-104
Meeting Day: Monday/ Workshop Meetings Friday

Advisor: Mr. Langenberger
Sign up in September, Meetings run October - May
* New Members welcome at any time.

Highlights include:

1. New Engineering Challenges Each Week
2. Opportunities to Participate in Leadership Activities such as an Executive Board
3. Become an active member, learn and follow Parliamentary Procedure
4. A State Conference and Competition held at the College of New Jersey in March
5. A National Conference and Competition held in Washington, DC

TSA is the only Nationally recognized organization at the Middle School level. Students can continue participating in TSA in high school investing up to seven years in self-growth and leadership. The organization has over 2,000 chapters and 250,000 middle school and high school members.  As a part of our local chapter, members are also part of the state and National organization.
VEX Robotics - Langenberger
Howell MS South Robotics Club

By the time students reach high school, they have already decided
whether or not they think science and math are "cool"

By its nature, the study of robotics inherently incorporates all four pillars of STEM. VEX IQ is a snap-together robotics system designed from the ground up to provide this opportunity to future engineers of all skill levels. By packaging advanced concepts into an accessible components, the system also naturally encourages teamwork, problem solving, and leadership for students in Middle School.

Meeting Room: D-104
Meeting Day: Wednesday

Advisor: Mr. Langenberger
Sign up in September, Meetings run October - May
* New Members welcome at any time.

Highlights include:

1. A full competition arena in our room with the 2018-2019 field challenge objects.
2. Opportunities for competition between our middle schools and teams across the state.
3. Access to all the resources required to build competitive robots.
4. Engineering flexibility for multiple solutions, programing and leadership.
5. A National Competition held in Washington, DC for the most successful team.